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An Oscar-Nominated Film Fiasco

An Oscar-Nominated Film Fiasco

"Sugarcane" is a Fraud, Not a Documentary Film

A scene by scene fact check compiled by Nina Green

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Who’s your Daddy?

Who’s your Daddy?

If American leftists reviled their Founders, so too would Canadian leftists. But when they had finished, they had erased all that had been left to distinguish our two countries and justify their separate existence.

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Flies of a Summer

Flies of a Summer

By John Pepall. There is no critical analysis of what Trudeau’s government actually did, or didn’t do. There is a lot of analysis of how well they played the game of politics. But politics is not a game. It is literally deadly serious. It is government.  

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The First Conservative

The First Conservative

Dorchester Conservatism was built on four pillars: liberty with internal order based on settled custom and support for religion; external security; the extension of prosperity; and selective strategic immigration: these make Sir Guy Carleton the overlooked founder of an English-French counter-revolutionary tradition that is all-Canadian.


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Worth the Trouble

Worth the Trouble

The Canadians were in Korea to fight. 2PPCLI, the first unit to reach Korea in early 1951, made their mark at Kap’yong in April and played a critical role in stopping a Chinese offensive. 

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