Featured Articles

Rescuing the BNA Act

Rescuing the BNA Act

Rainer Knopff Trade And Commerce: Canada’s Economic Constitution. Malcolm Lavoie. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023. As compared to the 1982 Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Constitution Act, 1867 — still affectionately called the British North America (BNA) Act by some of us — is “likely to strike a contemporary Canadian as odd or obscure.” How to explain, for example, the “almost humorous assortment of the general and specific” that gives Ottawa power over not only “trade and commerce” but also Nova Scotia’s tiny Sable Island, or that authorizes provinces to issue saloon licenses in addition to regulating “property and civil...

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Mentor to the Culture Warriors

Mentor to the Culture Warriors

Alberta Report was Canada’s answer to National Review, as Ted Byfield was the West’s version of Bill Buckley — and George Grant and Derek Bedson were impressed, writes C.P. Champion

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Mark Carney — Just What We Don't Need

Mark Carney — Just What We Don't Need

Carney is the incarnation of elite presumption, predictably wrong on every issue — and if crowned leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, will crash and burn just like Michael Ignatieff, writes John Robson.

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What Did Dr. Bryce Really Say?

What Did Dr. Bryce Really Say?

The CBC failed to report what Dr. Bryce actually recommended, leading Canadians to believe that failure to follow his advice led to genocide.

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Israel and Palestine: Exploding the Myths

Israel and Palestine: Exploding the Myths

Historical denial, Arab propaganda, liberal guilt, and anti-Semitism serve to legitimize a demand for a sovereign Palestinian state where none has ever existed. The claim of "apartheid" is only the latest charge in the effort to delegitimize Israel.

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