About Us
The Dorchester Review is founded on the belief that leisure is the basis of culture. Just as no one can live without pleasure, no civilized life can be sustained without recourse to that tranquillity in which critical articles and book reviews may be profitably enjoyed. The wisdom and perspective that flow from history, biography, and fiction are essential to the good life. It is not merely that “the record of what men have done in the past and how they have done it is the chief positive guide to present action,” as Belloc put it. Action can be dangerous if not preceded by contemplation that begins in recollection. Every historian and every writer has an agenda, frequently political and often unadmitted. To the entrenched complacencies of much professional scholarship and literary journalism, one antidote is corrective and restorative history, engagingly written.
The Dorchester Review has no political agenda but a robustly polemical one. Canada’s strength and advantage — that of a British liberal society with a strong French national enclave, resilient aboriginal communities, and a vital pluralism born of successive immigrant arrivals — would be void if polemically separated from its European, Judeo-Christian and Classical traditions, which is another answer to: why history. We are conscious and grateful heirs to an invaluable if variously pressured tradition of free expression and criticism that is found and defended with particular seriousness in the North Atlantic societies, and this we think should be recognized, protected, and always enhanced.
Meet the Team
C.P. Champion, PhD, FRCGS, is the author of Relentless Struggle: Saving the Army Reserve (Durnovaria, 2019) and The Strange Demise of British Canada (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010). He was born in Calgary, grew up in West Vancouver, and attended UBC, Magdalene College, Cambridge (1992), and McGill University. He has travelled in a dozen countries and enjoys skiing, cooking, marksmanship, and learning Italian. He collects vintage language courses such as 1930s-80s Linguaphone sets. After serving as a policy advisor in Ottawa for eight years he joined the Army Reserve at the age of 46 as a private (Infantry), recently transferring to the Intelligence Corps. He has published 29 editions of The Dorchester Review and his most recent book, co-edited with Tom Flanagan, is Grave Error, a #1 best seller on Amazon.
John Pepall is the author of Against Reform, published in 2010 by the University of Toronto Press. He took degrees in philosophy and politics at Trent University and law at York University. He was called to the Ontario bar in 1978 and practised civil litigation in Toronto. He was a Progressive Conservative candidate in the Ontario election of 1990. He has written on politics, history, the law and the arts for The Idler, The Literary Review of Canada, The Ottawa Citizen, The Times Literary Supplement, The National Post, and other publications. He contributed a chapter to Rethinking the Constitution, published by Oxford University Press.
James W.J. Bowden started the blog Parliamentum in 2011, is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law (published by Carswell), and has become an internationally-recognised expert on Canadian political history and Canada’s system of Responsible Government. Educated at Carleton University, he wrote his M.A. thesis comparing the Crown’s authority over dissolution of parliament in Canada and the United Kingdom, and his other articles have appeared in the Canadian Parliamentary Review, Constitutional Forum, and the Commonwealth Law Bulletin. He lives in Ottawa.
Phyllis Parham Reeve has written about local and personal history in her three solo books and in contributions to journals and multi-author publications. Her specific interests embrace colonial and post-colonial life in southern Quebec, where she maintains family ties, and in Fiji, where she was born. Her current home on Gabriola Island, British Columbia, has inspired explorations of settler relations with the Snuneymuxw First Nation and the Japanese-Canadian community. A graduate of Bishop's University and the University of British Columbia, she studies modernist literature and art, and collects bestiaries. Her writing appears in Amphora (the journal of the Alcuin Society), in BC BookWorld, in publications of the Gabriola Historical and Museum Society and online in The Ormsby Review. She is rumoured to vote Green. http://www.phyllisreeve.com
Greg Melleuish lives and works in Wollongong, NSW, Australia, where he is a Professor of History and Politics at the University of Wollongong. His most recent book, co-written with Stephen Chavura is The Forgotten Menzies (Melbourne University Press, 2021). He has also published a number of books on Australian liberalism, conservatism and democracy. Amongst his various accomplishments are reviewing the Australian National History Curriculum, being on the judging panel for non-fiction and Australian history for the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards, publishing a poem in the now defunct Bulletin (thereby making him eligible to call himself a Bulletin poet) and as a teenager having performed well in a match against the last Australian man to win the Australian Tennis Open (Mark Edmondson).
John Robson is Executive Director of the Climate Discussion Nexus, a documentary filmmaker, a National Post, Epoch Times and Loonie Politics columnist, and an adjunct professor at Augustine College. He holds a B.A. and M.A. in history from the University of Toronto and a Ph.D. in American history from the University of Texas at Austin. He has worked in academia, think tanks and politics as well as doing print, radio, television and online journalism in Canada. He produced and hosted the documentary "The Great War Remembered" for Sun News Network in 2014 and crowdfunded the documentary and companion book Magna Carta: Our Shared Legacy of Liberty in 2015 and A Right to Arms in 2016, and the documentaries "True, Strong and Free: Fixing Canada’s Constitution" in 2016 and "The Environment: A True Story" in 2017. He lives in Ottawa.
F.H. Buckley is a Foundation Professor at George Mason University’s Scalia School of Law. His most recent books are American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup, The Republican Workers Party, The Republic of Virtue, and The Once and Future King, all published by Encounter Books. He has been a visiting fellow at the University of Chicago Law School, and has also taught at McGill Law School in Montreal, the Sorbonne (Paris II), and Sciences Po in Paris. He is a citizen of Canada and also became an American citizen on Tax Day, April 15, 2014. He lives in Alexandria, Virginia. http://fhbuckley.com/
RIP Dr. Donal Lowry. Dr. Lowry was a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and a Senior Member of Regent's Park College in the University of Oxford. He read History at University College Dublin and at Rhodes University and served as editor of the Journal of Southern African Studies. He wrote about Ireland and minority nationalities in the British Empire, taught at the University of York and Oxford Brookes University, and held visiting fellowships at Rhodes University, University College Cork, the University of Trier, and the Menzies Centre for Australian Studies at King’s College London. His academic articles include "The ‘Rhodes Must Fall’ Campaign: Where would the Destruction End?" and "‘Cuckoo in the Commonwealth Nest’: The Irish Impact and the Commonwealth Legacy for Ireland." He was a Research Associate of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies and a member of the Second World War Research Group. His hobbies included music and country walking. He died suddenly before Christmas.
Alastair Sweeny was born in Toronto and has a BA in English and History from the University of Toronto, and a Master of Letters and Doctor of Philosophy from Trinity College, Dublin. He has served as a private and public sector consultant. In 1989, he produced Canadisk, Canada's first multimedia CD-ROM, a joint venture with Encyclopædia Britannica, and has produced and written corporate histories of Investors Group, Alberta Energy Company (now Encana) and Magna International, among others. He is author of several books, including a biography of Sir George-Étienne Cartier (1976). BlackBerry Planet was published by Wiley in 2009. Black Bonanza, on Canada's oilsands, was published by Wiley in 2010, followed by Fire Along the Frontier: Great Battles of the War of 1812, by Dundurn in 2012. He is currently VP of a cybersecurity software company. His most recent book is a Thomas Mackay: The Laird of Rideau Hall and the Founding of Ottawa.
Michael R. Jackson Bonner, DPhil (Oxon), is a political advisor and writer with a background in Classics and the Late Antique Middle East. He attended Ridley College, Upper Canada College, and Trinity College, Toronto. Though a specialist in Late Antique Iran, he is well-read in pre-Islamic and early Islamic history, and has travelled widely throughout the Middle East. His doctoral thesis (Oxford 2014) dealt with Iranian history and was published by Res Orientales. Toward the end of his doctorate, Michael became a policy adviser to a cabinet minister in Ottawa. He is now an independent historian of Iran, and Director of Policy to an Ontario cabinet minister. He lives in Toronto with his wife and two sons. He is the author of The Last Empire of Iran, an exhaustive narrative of the Sassanid dynasty, published in 2020. His most recent book is In Defense of Civilization: How Our Past Can Renew Our Present (Sutherland House).
Read on: Why The Dorchester Review?