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Canada’s Lost Caribbean Provinces

Canada’s Lost Caribbean Provinces

In 1911 the Bahamas Legislative Council sought to negotiate Bahamian membership in the Canadian federation — only one of many overtures. All the West Indies could have been Provinces of Canada.

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What's Going on at the Saddle Lake Reserve?

What's Going on at the Saddle Lake Reserve?

What’s going on with the accidental excavation since 2004 of 100 graves at the Sacred Heart parish cemetery near the former Blue Quills Indian Residential School? That’s a very good question. The Acimowin Opaspiw Society has never provided the name of a single missing child. Let’s get into the details.

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New Book!

New Book!

After the announcement by T'kemlups First Nation of the “discovery” of unmarked graves, many politicians, Indigenous leaders, and media cast aside balance, restraint, and caution. This excellent collection edited by C.P. Champion and Tom Flanagan helps Canadians get beyond the Grave Error.

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There Can Be No Two State Solution

There Can Be No Two State Solution

Given Israel's border with Lebanon and Syria, either hosting or occupied by Iran-backed terrorist groups calling for a Judenrein Islamic waqf — a greater Palestine cleansed of all Jews — for Israel to add a third border with a Palestine state would only reduce its already tattered security.

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A Flawed Giant

A Flawed Giant

Geoff Shepard’s detailed book subtitled Watergate and the Plot to Remove the President adds modestly to what we know about the scandal but subtracts from our understanding of why, of Nixon the man, and of his place in history, writes John Robson. 

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