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Israel y Palestina: destruyendo los mitos

Israel y Palestina: destruyendo los mitos

La negación histórica , la propaganda árabe, la culpa liberal y el antisemitismo sirven para legitimar una demanda de un Estado palestino soberano donde nunca ha existido ninguno. La afirmación de "apartheid" es sólo la última acusación en el esfuerzo por deslegitimar a Israel.

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Cómo pensar en la corona canadiense

Cómo pensar en la corona canadiense

Por Geoffroy Boulanger Una gran mayoría de canadienses no tiene la menor idea (o, en el mejor de los casos, muy poca comprensión) del papel de la Corona en Canadá y nuestro sistema, o incluso de lo afortunados que somos...

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No Ordinary Men

No Ordinary Men

Review by C. P. Champion Max Beaverbrook: Not Quite a Gentleman. Charles Williams. Biteback, 2019. Comprehensive Judgment and Absolute Selflessness: Winston Churchill on Politics as Friendship. John von Heyking. St. Augustine’s Press, 2018.   SIR MAXWELL AITKEN, the 1st Baron Beaverbrook, was perhaps the most influential Canadian of the Second World War. As Churchill’s closest friend before and during the Battle of Britain, “Max,” the New Brunswick-born newspaper magnate and entrepreneur, British Conservative M.P., cabinet minister in two wars, and envoy to Stalin, was, at a key moment, the Prime Minister’s intimate daily companion over dinner or, later, brandy. He...

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Looking Ahead to the Iron Lady—in 1928

Looking Ahead to the Iron Lady—in 1928

More than 90 years ago, in 1928, Hilaire Belloc described the then-inconceivable possibility of an iron-willed female Prime Minister of England in a satirical novel that was, remarkably, set in 1979.

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The Many Plot Holes of Sam George

The Many Plot Holes of Sam George

Is Sam George’s memoir “unflinchingly honest account of his time at St. Paul’s Indian Residential School”? Or did Sam George conceal and distort relevant information? Nina Green reviews the book.

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